Who We Are
Cultivating Happiness
Spark of Lights Education Pty Ltd. is dedicated to empowering young children, adults, and corporates with the life skills they need to thrive in their lives. It aims to improve mental health, resilience, and increased levels of happiness across all ages.
Spark of Lights Education provides high-quality Positive Education, Resilience and Well-being curriculum, resources and tools for students, and professional learning for teachers to create happy and flourishing school communities.
Our services include webinars, workshops, Wellbeing journals, resources, textbooks, exchange programs, personalized consultation with psychologists, and access to the Spark of Lights App.
Our accredited Resilience experts also provide Resilience training and coaching that can assist individuals of all ages to live happy and healthy life.
To bring the well- being revolution. To create happy and flourishing communities.
To provide children and adults with the skills they need to thrive in their lives. To provide tools and resources that can assist individuals of all ages to live a happy and healthy life. To improve the mental health and resilience of children and adults.
Why Choose Us ?
Besides Resilience & Positive Education, we can also train teachers and school leaders in:
- Happy and Flourishing classes
- Student and Staff Wellbeing: How to be stress free?
- How to create stimulating and engaging learning environment?
- Behaviour Management: How to deal with difficult students?
- Differentiated Learning
- Restorative Practice
- Curriculum designing
- High Impact Teaching Strategies
- Literacy Workshops
- Reading and Writing Workshops
- Instructional Model
- Planning structured lessons
Professional team
Meet Our Team
Meet our team of knowledgeable educationalists & experts from around the world.
Satish Saroha
Prerna Tiwari
Pujarini Behuria
The Rationale
With younger Indians and children dying by suicide, it is a new national crisis
- More than one student dies by suicide every hour in India (NCRB)
- India has one of the highest suicide rates in the world (Lancet study)
- 34 students died by suicide on a daily basis post pandemic hit 2020
- More than 90,000 young students died by suicide in India (NCRB, 2019)
According to the World Health Organisation:
- Half of all mental health conditions start by 14 years of age, but most cases are undetected and untreated.
- Globally, depression is one of the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.
- Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-19-year-olds.
- The consequences of not addressing adolescent mental health conditions extend
to adulthood, impairing both physical and mental health and limiting opportunities to
lead fulfilling lives as adults.
These statistics send a compelling message: We, as educators, need to provide our Youth with greater resources to master their mental health.
8-Dimensional Well-being Programme
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